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Join the People's Rally for Student Debt Cancellation!

2/28/2023, join us at the Supreme Court in D.C. (or stream virtually) to support student debt cancellation!

Attend a Webinar!

Check out one of our

recorded webinars or register

to join one live for more

information on all things

student debt cancellation.

Share Your Story!

Have you or your family been affected by the student debt crisis? Your story can help us inform lawmakers about harmful student loan practices, and push for action.


Take Action!

Join our Cancel My Student Debt Challenge! Fill out the student debt cancellation application and challenge others to do the same on Twitter and Facebook!

Attend a Webinar!

Check out one of our recorded webinars or register to join one live for more information on all things cancellation:

Share Your Story!

Have you or your family been affected by the student debt crisis? Your story can help us inform lawmakers about harmful student loan practices, and push for action.

Attend a Webinar!

Check out one of our recorded webinars or register to join one live for more information on all things student debt cancellation.

Share Your Story!

Have you or your family been affected by the student debt crisis? Your story can help us inform lawmakers about harmful student loan practices, and push for action.

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